Our Partnership with Smart AC

We Are A Proud Partner of Smart AC


Real Time Marketing is pleased to reveal its collaboration with Smart AC, a strategic partnership crafted to provide clients with a comprehensive solution that streamlines both operational and marketing processes. This alliance is anticipated to empower our clients to achieve their goals and accelerate the growth of their businesses.

About the Technology

Smart AC operates as a member-based platform designed to provide optimal value for homeowners and HVAC service providers. The inspiration behind the platform emanated not only from personal experiences but also from the frustrations voiced by hundreds of homeowners, friends, and family members dissatisfied with the current state of HVAC ownership.

The founders recognized that effecting change required the creation of an affordable, technology-driven solution that addressed homeowners' concerns while respecting the essential role of skilled and reputable HVAC service providers. Their vision aimed to eliminate inefficiencies, foster transparency, and improve economic outcomes for all stakeholders.


Extensive Research to Bring Innovations to Life

With the goal of revolutionizing the way homeowners experience comfort, the team embarked on an extensive journey involving thousands of hours in research and development, engineering, mass-production setup, field testing, and user experience design. The result is a product that, while not perfect, is functional and ready to be unveiled to the world.

Acknowledging the imperfections and understanding that perfection may be an ongoing pursuit, the team at Smart AC expresses confidence that, as the community grows, they will continue to gather insights from data and user feedback. This iterative process is aimed at refining and perfecting the HVAC ownership experience for all Smart AC users.

Find out more about our recent and thrilling development, as we have joined forces with Smart AC, a renowned provider of HVAC performance data. This strategic collaboration is aimed at enhancing the suite of services accessible to our HVAC clients, ensuring comprehensive coverage and unwavering support within the industry. Feel free to call us today!

Grow your business with your
easy-to-use, state-of-the-art


